Gerrit Roelefs + Corneliske Jans

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Gerrit RoelefsMale ‎(I05303)‎
Birth 31 July 1692 -- Garnwerd, Winsum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 1731 (Age 39) -- den Ham, Zuidhorn, Groningen, Netherlands
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Roelef HarmsMale ‎(I05315)‎
Birth 7 October 1644 -- Garnwerd, Winsum, Groningen, Netherlands
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Martje GerritsFemale ‎(I05316)‎
Birth about 1655

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Aaltje GerritsFemale ‎(I05283)‎
Birth 21 May 1730 -- den Ham, Zuidhorn, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 23 May 1806 (Age 76) -- Saaxumhuizen, Winsum, Groningen, Netherlands

Family Group Information   (F2210)
Marriage 14 May 1719 den Ham, Zuidhorn, Groningen, Netherlands