Geert Bieze + Zwaantje Paauw

Geert BiezeMale ‎(I03715)‎
Birth 21 November 1880 -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 7 June 1966 (Age 85)
Hinderikus BiezeMale ‎(I01326)‎
Birth 7 March 1846 -- Veendam, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 7 September 1896 (Age 50) -- Beneden Verlaat, Veendam, Groningen, Netherlands
Geertruida NieholtFemale ‎(I03709)‎
Birth 3 April 1842 -- Muntendam, Menterwolde, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 12 January 1931 (Age 88) -- Musselkanaal, Onstwedde, Groningen, Netherlands

Zwaantje PaauwFemale ‎(I03716)‎
Birth 27 January 1884 -- Drieborg, Reiderland, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 7 April 1946 (Age 62) -- Winschoten, Winschoten, Groningen, Netherlands
Geertruida BiezeFemale ‎(I04683)‎
Birth 17 April 1910 -- Stadskanaal, Onstwedde, Groningen, Netherlands
Jans BiezeMale ‎(I23974)‎
Birth about 1912 -- Onstwedde, Stadskanaal, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 29 October 1959 (Age approx. 47) -- Winschoten, Winschoten, Groningen, Netherlands

Family Group Information   (F1636)
Marriage 10 June 1909 Winschoten, Winschoten, Groningen, Netherlands

Show Details Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Groningen, Netherlands

Source Text: Source Civil register - Marriage ‎‎(Mother groom)‎‎
Archive location: Groninger Archieven
General Municipality: Winschoten
Type of record: Marriage Certificate
Record number: 43
Registration date: 10-06-1909
Bridegroom: Geert Bieze
Place of birth: Veendam
Bride: Zwaantje Paauw
Place of birth: Drieborg
Father bridegroom: Hinderikus Bieze
Mother bridegroom: Geertruida Nieholt
Father bride: Jan harms Paauw
Mother bride: Megchelina Wendeltje Hillenga
Additional information: bridegroom 28 jaar; bride 25 jaar
Last Change 8 February 2014 - 10:29:37 Last changed by: Admin

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