Ivan Houseman + Mildrid Leone Buttleman

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Ivan HousemanMale ‎(I08637)‎
Birth 2 July 1911 -- Michigan
Death 17 March 1988 (Age 76)

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Mildrid Leone ButtlemanFemale ‎(I01047)‎
Birth 5 November 1905 -- Grant Township, Oceana, Michigan
Death 12 October 1982 (Age 76) -- Montague, Muskegon, Michigan
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David Lewis ButtlemanMale ‎(I01045)‎
Birth 8 March 1879 -- Montague, Muskegon, Michigan
Death 26 October 1965 (Age 86) -- Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan
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Gertrude Idell KeyesFemale ‎(I01046)‎
Birth 2 June 1881 -- Montague, Muskegon, Michigan
Death 13 November 1961 (Age 80) -- Whitehall, Muskegon, Michigan
Unknown children

Family Group Information   (F0489)
Marriage 1 August 1946