Louwe Halsema + Martje Dijker

Louwe HalsemaMale ‎(I14734)‎
Birth 30 July 1834 -- Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 5 August 1918 (Age 84) -- Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana
Lambertus Remts HalsemaMale ‎(I14704)‎
Birth 2 March 1804 -- Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 6 October 1878 (Age 74) -- Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana
Neeltje Louwes SmitFemale ‎(I14706)‎
Birth 30 April 1811 -- Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Groningen, Netherlands
Death 27 August 1859 (Age 48) -- Eierland, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Martje DijkerFemale ‎(I14735)‎
Birth 2 February 1843 -- Texel, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Death 25 October 1894 (Age 51) -- Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana
Lambertus Lawrence HalsemaMale ‎(I14740)‎
Birth 7 October 1861 -- Texel, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Death 12 July 1940 (Age 78) -- Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana
Cornelius HalsemaMale ‎(I16057)‎
Birth 16 August 1863 -- Texel, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Death 1955 (Age 92) -- Michigan
Sijbrand HalsemaMale ‎(I16058)‎
Birth 1 January 1875 -- Texel, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Death 29 December 1949 (Age 74) -- Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana
William Hermanus HalsemaMale ‎(I16110)‎
Birth 16 October 1877 -- Texel, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Death 12 February 1956 (Age 78) -- Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana
Bernardus HalsemaMale ‎(I16165)‎
Birth 21 February 1881 -- Texel, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Death 1 September 1944 (Age 63) -- Lafayette, Tippecanoe, Indiana
Martinus J. HalsemaMale ‎(I16166)‎
Birth 1 June 1882 -- Texel, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Death 9 April 1958 (Age 75) -- Commerce, Oakland, Michigan
Nicolaas HalsemaMale ‎(I16177)‎
Birth 24 April 1884 -- Texel, Texel, Noord-Holladn, Netherlands
Death 18 February 1943 (Age 58) -- Keego Harbor, Oakland, Michigan

Family Group Information   (F5622)
Marriage 18 April 1861 Texel, Texel, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Show Details Source: Marriage Civil Registry - Noord-Holland

Source Text: Civil register - Marriage
Archive location Noord-Hollands Archief
General Number of finding aid: 358
Item number: 120
Municipality: Texel
Type of record: Huwelijksakte
Record number: 27
Registration date: 18-04-1861
Groom Louwe Halsema
Age: 26
Place of birth: Kloosterburen
Bride Martje Dijker
Age: 18
Place of birth: Texel
Father groom Lammert Halsema
Mother groom Neeltje Louwes Smit
Father bride Cornelis Dijker
Mother bride Martje Tuinder
Additional information beroep bg.: arbeider; beroep vader bg.: arbeider
Last Change 10 March 2007 - 12:09:13 Last changed by: Admin

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